Saturday, 2 July 2011

Day Two

Big day today - we spent most of the day at the Pioneer Settlement - we had a horse and carriage ride, rode in a 1925 Dodge, went on the Paddlesteamer Pyap, had a lovely lunch by the river and just purchased an outdoor patio heater so we are sitting out under the stars (now not freezing our butts off) - it's a beautiful peacefuly, still night  - what with a few reds and bit of Jimmy playing who could ask for more? Tomorrow we head to Mildura for an overnighter and then big drive on Monday to Flinders Rangers where we will spend a few days - booked 3 nights at Airlie Beach today where Granny and Poppy will meet us before we take up our yacht charter. PJ very relaxed now as we all are. Siging off, The Chads x

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